The research project Thales: Algebraic modelling of topological and computational structures is headed by Professor Sofia Lambropoulou. The Thales projects are research projects of excellency and have been very competitive in the selection process. Our project consists in three Research Groups, namely:

  • Algebraic modeling of topological structures
  • - Knot invariants-framization of knot algebras

    - Knots and braids in 3-manifolds

    - Poly-free groups, Lie algebras, braid groups and homotopy groups of spheres

  • Algebraic modeling of applications
  • - Topological study of polymer entanglements

    - Molecular simulation of ionic liquids

    - Dynamical systems and topological surgery

  • Algebraic modeling of computational structures
  • - Modeling based on algebraic specifications

    - Algebraic techniques for the modeling of video

    - Cryptography and coding theory

    - Applications in medical imaging

    Prof. Sofia Lambropoulou is the coordinator of the 1st Research Group, Prof. Doros Theodorou ( of our Chemical Engineering School is the coordinator of the 2nd Research Group and Dr. Petros Stefaneas ( of our department is the coordinator of the 3rd Research Group. Finally, Prof. Louis H. Kauffman ( of the University of Illinois at Chicago is the Visiting Researcher of the project.

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