Scientific Journals

A.  Member of Editorial Board

1)      Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, Member of the Editorial Board.

B. Referee

1)      Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,

2)      Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,

3)      Applied Mathematics Letters,

4)      Nonlinear Analysis TMA,

5)      Journal of Edinburgh Mathematical Society

6)      International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences;

7)      Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences;

8)      Boundary Value problems;

9)      Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society;

10)   Journal of Differential Equations;

11)   Computers and Mathematics with Applications.

12)   Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems;

13)   Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics;

14)   Nonlinearity;

15)   Acta Applicanda Mathematicae


8ã. Reviewer in Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society since 1996